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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Every BODY

Can we just be real for a minute? 

There is no PERFECT.  But we are all perfectly amazing!

There I said it, can we all just move on now?  I used to get very upset when people would say "oh you look so good"  as if I was awful or anyway inferior before I lost my weight?  I've learned to politely educate people and say "Thank you, I feel healthier and that's all that really matters."  I looked great before my surgery and I continue to look great after my surgery because I am perfectly amazing. 

Now I know most people mean well they complimented me and I love compliments but we all as a society need to collectively say this word together  ACCEPTANCE.  We are ok, you're alive and breathing.  You want to eat chips and wear sweats all day? ok do what makes you happy.  You like men or women, who cares? Can you make an awesome mac n cheese? There are more important issues, people. 

If I could make one wish it would be that for all bodies to be accepted for their size, gender, orientation, color, and anything else.  Can you imagine that world?, a world where there is no criticism for who we are?  Then you can truly know people based on their character and the choices they make in life.  Establishing connections would be easy with no preconcieved notions.  Oh you love chocolate and steampunk, who cares if you have two boyfriends? I don't.  The things that matter to me:

1. Are you a decent person?  (somewhat law abiding, morally sound individual)
2. Are you kind?
3. Do you live by the rule "treat others, how you want to be treated?"
4. If you made bad choices, did you fix them or try to?

Yep, that's pretty much it, now for me I still need to be educated on acceptance I don't understand certain things but when I don't understand, I try hard NOT TO JUDGE.  I may not choose something for my life but who am I to choose for someone else?

So I am all for this Body positive movement, and any type of acceptance that there is.  We are all beautiful and wonderful. 

And maybe if we lived in a world where people are accepted, we can all work towards making things better. 

Now hit play and dance your heart out to my favorite song:

Love you all!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wonder Woman!!

Hello all!

Work and home life have been mad busy so I haven't had that much time to post but here's my latest video blog.  Hope you enjoy!
Pictures from my wedding in Jamaica!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jamaican Me Happy!

Hello Friends!

I usually post my weight updates but I post today to celebrate, on Friday I leave for Jamaica!  Now to tell you I am excited would be an understatement, elated, ecstatic, enthusiastic, and energized are better E words to use.  The place where we are staying with ten of our close family and friends is paradise.  I will have pictures posted as soon as I can when I get back. 

Looking back on my journey I still can't believe I've come this far.  I have grown so much in the past 9 months and every month has just been better.  That annoying person who is always positive and happy, oh that is me for sure.  Don't get me wrong I have bad days, being stinky feet girl in my aerial class was one of those days, or having a toilet explode, oh and let's not get into eating too many drunken gummy bears that led to a root canal the next day; and all of these events happened in one week.  I just don't let them get me down.  I pout about it and then I run or move on.  Life is a gift and should be celebrated.  I try to find something great about everyday.  I have since cleaned my feet thoroughly, Steve fixed the toilet and my tooth feels better. 

So with only really a day left to be home, before I spend 8 days in Jamaica, I am thinking I am one lucky girl; not only do I feel wonderful but I get to marry one amazing man, who has supported me through it all.  I hope that everyone finds a person in their life man or woman, friend or lover who does that.  Supports you in all you do and believes in you when you can't believe in yourself.  If you have that person, wonderful, if not, I hope you will. 

So here goes my new adventure Marriage March 11, 2014....I can't wait.

Here are some photos of my life the past month.  It's been a weird ride the past month, a little bit of drama, aerial classes with my stinky feet, bachlorette party, my students winning an art contest and preping for Jamaica.  Enjoy.  And I can't believe how lucky I am. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Be A YOU tiful!

Guess what I have?  They are small but they are there.... MUSCLES! What?! Believe me I am excited.  So I did a little pilates/yoga my favorite and I look over at my arm and what could that be but a tiny muscle trying to bulge.  I am so proud I do a little dance.

There are so many things that have made me appreciate what a gift I have recieved, muscles being one of them.  Having gastric sleeve surgery truly changed my whole world and there have been some life lessons along the way but for the most part it has been an adventure!  I like to think I am the same person on the inside but maybe I have changed.  I do know that voice in my head that use to tell me to be quiet is gone.  I will no longer sit back and watch as others get what they want while feeling as if I should be treated like a second class person because I am too big.  HELL NO.  Now when I am noticed I roll my eyes and think "you wish, jerk" I've got a man and he's hot.  Or "I'm riding every ride at six flags" and it's gonna be awesome.  I mean for crying out loud I am going to be wearing a bikini in JAMAICA, for my destination wedding!!??! And do I care that I might have a little bit of a belly NOPE!  I'm going to rock that red bikini like Giselle.    

So here are some weight loss results, it's slowed down and now I am building muscle and I love it! 
Cheers my friends and enjoy this NEW YEAR.  I know I will!  How about you?

I am almost a size 10 but at this point I do not care everything from here just seems like fun.  :)